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Exciting changes are coming

Tiny Towels Free Pattern by Simply Collectible

Moving forward in business to support my son's needs has actually proven to be a lateral move. Let me explain.

The ‘dying art of crochet' probably has an audience of a couple million or more with new pattern writers or designers growing into the field every day! This is just what I see in the ‘front yard' of my business. Many are finding the confidence and tools it takes to write down their patterns and tips and share them with the world. Crochet businesses for hats and blankets are around every corner while more and more people are returning to the basics of making their own clothing, cooking from scratch, gardening, and so forth.

This growth is exponential! It is marvelous and it is a joy to see this explosion. Hopefully, many more will continue to share the craft and techniques while building relationships and memories. Long gone are the times when people sat together in the same room without interruption, cleaning together, having tea or coffee, cooking together, but art still does that!

The internet allows us to crochet together, collaborate, work and invent without sharing the same space. This is both convenient and sad, but that is for another go. (Go out and see your friends face-to-face! Call someone right now.)

I love designing and fiddling with hooks and needles and yarn and thread.

I love (and need) the math required to reach my goal, no matter how small the project.

 (Featured image is my Tiny Towels pattern found by clicking HERE or the following link: )

Over the last several months, there has been a dramatic increase in reverse engineering of my patterns and those of other designers. There has also been a dramatic increase in copyright infringement of my work and that of others. Unfortunately, it deters me a bit at the moment and I'm moving on to offer up my older patterns for free or eliminate them all together- not because I believe my work isn't worth the investment, but because I'm not in this for the competition. Competing for $4 or $6 or even $10, breaks my heart. For this reason, I'm being forced to use advertising. It is the way of the world. This indie artist can no longer wait for a few dollars. I need to help my son with his schooling and therapies.

My son is excelling dramatically and I believe it's because we homeschool and focus on speech, social awareness, safety, and exercise throughout the entire day. My patterns had been supporting that up until a few weeks ago, but it's getting increasingly more difficult.

I will continue to homeschool and pay for outside programs to help my son progress, but my means are changing.

I will continue to offer my designs and handcrafted products through my Etsy shop, but I will also be adding other works such as tatting and machine knitting.